xemacs タブ型エディタ化 elscreen.el

から,elscreen-1.4.5.tar.gz をダウンロードして解凍.

~/.xemacs/ 以下に,elscreen.el を置いて,
.emacs (もしくは,~/.xemacs/init.el)に次を追加.

(setq load-path (cons "~/.xemacs/" load-path))
(setq elscreen-prefix-key "\C-t")
(load "elscreen" "ElScreen" t)

この2行目の setq elscreen-prefix-key "\C-t" は,
C-z C-c だけど,C-z に他のが割り当てられてたりするので,
代わりに C-t を使って,C-z C-c とするための設定.

以下,README より転載.(上記の設定では,下記の C-z は全て C-t に読み替える)


        • -

You may use following sequences on ElScreen:

C-z c
C-z C-c Create a new screen and switch to it.
C-z C Create a new screen with the window-configuration of the
current screen.
C-z k
C-z C-k Kill current screen.
C-z M-k Kill current screen and buffers.
C-z K Kill other screens.
C-z n
C-z C-n Switch to the "next" screen in a cyclic order.
C-z p
C-z C-p Switch to the "previous" screen in a cyclic order.
C-z a
C-z C-a Toggle to the screen selected previously.
C-z ' Prompt for a screen number to switch to.
C-z " Present a list of all screens for selection.
C-z 0
: Jump to the screen number 0-9.
C-z 9
C-z C-s Swap current screen with previous one.
C-z w
C-z C-w Show a list of screen.
C-z A Allow the user to enter a name for the current screen.
C-z m
C-z C-m Repeat the last message displayed in the mini-buffer.
C-z t
C-z C-t Show system information.
C-z b Switch to the screen in which specified buffer is displayed.
C-z C-f Create new screen and open file.
C-z C-r Create new screen and open file but don't allow changes.
C-z d Create new screen and run dired.
C-z M-x Read function name, then call it with new screen.
C-z i Show/hide the screen number in the mode line.
C-z T Show/hide the tab on the top of each frame.
C-z v Display ElScreen version.
C-z ? Show key bindings of ElScreen and Add-On softwares.